Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 17

Week 17
Someday I'll learn how to take a mirror shot that isn't blurry. This is not that day.

I've been enjoying how round my belly has been getting lately. My weight hasn't gone up much (nine pounds since conception) but I'm really starting to fill out. I've been warned that in five months I'll just be sick of it, but for now I'm going to enjoy every curve.

The Quickening (not the 'Highlander' sequel) has not occurred yet. I am starting to get some indigestion (not full-on "heartburn" which I've only had once in my life) so I may end up mistaking first movement with gas, which I hear is common. I can actually feel my uterus now when I press down on my belly. So while much of this roundness is all me (thanks to my new found obsession with cheesecake) I do have evidence of something else in there!

Spouse's Centidiemversary post the other day was very sweet. We have found new ways to be in love with each other since this pregnancy. It has brought us closer together and has somehow made our relationship feel more "real." I don't mean that it takes children to complete a marriage as I simply don't believe that's true. A childless (or child-free if you prefer) life can be wonderful. It's one I envisioned for myself :) But this has, for us, been a very good thing. Spouse was meant to be a father. While people tell me I'll be a great mother, I feel a bit like I'm going along for the ride. I'd like to be a great pregnant lady for now and hopefully that will translate into fair to middling motherhood down the line. But with parents as full of love as we are, I think the kid has a good chance.

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