Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 7

Here in the beginning of week 7 and yesterday was the sickest I've felt so far. My weight seems to be remaining steady, although high. The exercise I've been trying to do should be counteracting all the extra I've been eating.


Speaking of eating, I've been a dairy fiend. Cheese has been even more appealing than usual, especially mozzarella "string" cheese. Ice cream (how cliche) is really good too and I did my best to not eat an entire pint in one sitting (finished in two though.)


So many of my clothes are either elastic waist skirts and dresses or rather large pants so I haven't been outgrowing much yet. Things like a belly band are designed to keep you in jeans longer, so don't really apply to people like me who don't have any jeans and only wear two pairs of pants regularly.
I did, however, receive a pattern for a vintage maternity dress this week. It's a 1948 pattern and if I can manage to make it - it's rather more complicated than anything I've made before - then a couple of them should get me through several sizes during the pregnancy.

My underwear has been riding really low lately. I hate the feeling of it being below my flab but it looks like I'll be living with that unless I go for over-belly maternity knickers. The day I have to stop wearing my garter belt though is really going to suck. I may have to rig something up so I can still wear stockings when I'm big.


Spouse is brilliant! He cleans! He massages! He buys me ice cream! Last night he made dinner too and, while simple, it was just what I needed. I've really loved seeing how happy he is about this too. He was the one who wanted children and really had to talk me into it. Even after I agreed, it still took a couple years before we even started trying but his enthusiasm hasn't dampened at all. And he's so good with kids. He'll make a wonderful father.

So that's the rundown at the beginning of Week 7. Next week I have my first prenatal appointment. It all feels so unreal now, but that might really bring it home.

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