Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 19, Day 4

image with flash
So as you can see, almost 20 weeks along, and I will post for that momentous, halfway point, and I still can't use my damned digital camera when I get up. Why the hell is the flash on anyway? And the replacement picture below isn't much better.
week 19 picture
Why is my mouth open like that? Didn't I know I was taking a picture?
We got our new bed this week. It's very high off the floor and takes up most of the bedroom. The cat is having fun exploring it ‒ climbing on the headboard, checking out the space underneath, walking rather than jumping on the bed from the bookcase ‒ and we are enjoying the new mattress.

As I snuggled back into bed today after popping some muffins in the oven, I pictured our life as three: me getting up for muffins while Spouse snuggles in bed with the wee one. Ah! domesticity!

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