Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Fun" with pregnancy

For a while now I've had circulation problems in my hands and arms, generally when I'm in bed. Last week I had a massage hoping to deal with the now permanent numbness in my right middle finger, but that didn't help. I was very tight in my neck and she suggested cold packs. Well, I decided to try my old chiropractor instead.

Meanwhile, I developed a rash on my feet that has since spread to my hands as well. I went in to urgent care for that yesterday and was prescribed a hydrocortizone cream and advised to take Claritin, which is apparently safe during pregnancy. The rash looks a lot like an allergic reaction, but I couldn't think to what.

This evening I had my chiropractor appointment and we may have nailed down the rash as well as the ultimate cause of the numbness (go, Dr. Gurvitz!) She got a similar rash with her last pregnancy and it turns out she was allergic to her over-the-counter prenatal vitamin. I had been taking the same prenatal vitamin for over a year but recently bought a different brand when I ran out. I'm going to stop taking vitamins for a week while using the steroid cream and antihistamine and see how that goes. After tat I will go back on my OLD, tried and true Harvest Co-op brand vitamins and toss the poncy things I bought at Whole Paycheck.

As for the numbness she does think its a pinched nerve and possibly caused by fluid retention. She did a small adjustment today and a lot of muscle work and I'm going to have a few follow-ups just to loosen things. As for what to do about the fluid retention, I have no idea. I know it comes with the territory when pregnant, but all I expected was to have tight shoes! Who knew I cold pinch a nerve too?

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