Tuesday, May 3, 2011

That Warm Feeling

Do other fathers-to-be get that feeling when looking at the mother-to-be which makes you just want to put your arms around them? It's like some involuntary action that whilst I'm gawping at the absolutely amazing idea of your child growing inside someone, I'm also feeling many new ways to be in love with the mother.

My wife.

It's not a bad feeling either, I don't resist it or care to. I just feel really good when I'm near and being attentive. I'm also getting larger pleasure rewards from doing things, almost everything I do just feels better. It's probably all biological, but it's interesting experiencing it instead of trying to understand the rather simplistic typical advice:

"Everything changes when you have a child"

Yes, I'm sure it does. Now how about some actual explaining words? Hopefully my above explanation is enough to document my own experiences thus far.

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