More than ready! Assembled the cosleeper for good today. Had pineapple for breakfast and spicy pasta sauce for lunch. Tried sex and will be trying again before the night is out. I've standed, danced, bounced on the birth ball. We even tried bribery (every tried to bribe a womb-bound Sprog?) I want this baby out!
I had a feeling tonight things would be happening soon. I've been irritable and the baby is low. So I packed the bags while eating constantly (really hungry tonight and blood sugar is weirdly on the low side), tidying the dining table and watching 'Columbo.'
Finally couldn't do any more than just go to bed so texted Spouse, who was out for his regular Sunday Geek night, that we really needed to finish reading The BFG so I could have the baby. The goal was to read the entire book out loud before the birth and we were so close to the end. He raced home (even after I assured him I was not in labour) and the book is now finished.
I also feel less labour-y. Still, I think we're ready. Any time now.
I'm 37 weeks today! That's full term, baby, and boy does it feel like it. I've even had cramping today, which I'm sure means nothing other than my body trying to psych me out. I'll probably go for three more weeks. Although at least I know I won't go past October 29th (the due date the OB's office is using) as I've already been informed I'll be induced after 40 weeks.
Work has been so much better already this week. New Guy started on Sunday and has already been doing most of the jobs the students haven't taken. He's even starting on video post-production workflow which means we can knock things out on time for a change! Hell, it actually gives me time to do some of the video too so we can have two work stations going at once. I'm also nearly finished my documentation, not that anyone has looked at it (I know as they told me so in a meeting today.) Hopefully they'll get a chance to review it before I leave in case there are any glaring omissions. And if there are, oh well, I tried.
So, let this be the final countdown
(sorry, I couldn't help myself. I'm a child of the '80s)